Emotional Nutrition.

A balanced diet for the mind.

Surani Bandara
3 min readNov 4, 2020

Balanced Diet.

I heard this term first somewhere in primary classes. They explain a balanced diet as the right amounts of carbohydrate, protein, vitamins, minerals, fat etc. And a healthy diet seems to be important for our well being.

Balanced Diet, food preparation
( Photo by Ella Olsson )

Okay. But is that all?
At least as I feel — we need more. What about our emotional needs? What about a healthy mind? We need proper food for our mind too. Hello English explains, a healthy body is important, but keeping a healthy mind is equally important. I just came up with a term — Emotional Nutrition. But it seems my term is not original. 😝

However, what do we need to make us happy? What can keep us emotionally healthy? Let’s call them ‘emotional nutrients’.

Emotional Nutrients

I assume this may vary from person to person based on their personalities and traits. Different people will have different likes or dislikes. They may feel comfortable in different environments. Therefore emotional nutrients and their effects could be subjective. However there could be common nutrients that affect different people at different levels.

Greenery is refreshing.



Surani Bandara

Thinker. Learner. People Person. Experimentalist in art forms. And, Visual Marketer by profession.